Euripides Altintzoglou examines the correlations between being, the emergence of political agency, and the phenomenology of change. Change is a central theme in his work, a constant force that shapes and reshapes the world around us. Euripides is interested not only in the visible manifestations of political discourse but also the subtle, often overlooked gestures of resistance and resilience. In a world marked by division and discord, art emerges as a means for bridging divides. Euripides' objects, videos, images, and installations, are all led by the iconic virtues of images that serve as catalysts for making things matter. His work is exhibited internationally in private and public galleries, and in large scale international exhibitions. Theoretical publications of note include: the monograph Portraiture and Critical Reflections on Being (Routledge, New York, 2018); the co-edited (with Martin Fredriksson) volume of essays Revolt and Revolution: The Protester in the 21st Century (Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2016) in which he provided a chapter and co-wrote the introduction; and the journal articles, Digital Realities and Virtual Ideals: ‘Portraiture, Idealism, and the Clash of Subjectivities in the Post-Digital Era,’ Photography & Culture (vol. 12, no. 1, March 2019, Taylor & Francis); ‘The Critical Invariant: Avant-Garde and Change,’ Art in the Public Sphere (volume 7, no. 2, December 2018, Intellect). He currently holds the post of a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art, and Course Leader of Photography at the Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton.

Solo Exhibitions

2023    The Ends of Art, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain 
2017     Object Relations, with Christian Mieves, Nuneaton Art Gallery, U.K.  
2016     Grand Detour, Beton7 Arts, Athens, Greece
2011     Tupperware Project, 3rd Biennale of Athens, Athens, Greece
2011      Reversible, Beton7 Arts, Athens, Greece
2011      Beginnings, 17th International Short Film Festival, Drama, Greece (outdoor video installations)
2010     See Through Me, The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall, U.K. 
2004     Art Official, The Lighthouse Cinema, Wolverhampton, U.K. (cinema screening)

Group Exhibitions

2023   Valuable Conversations, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, U.K.
2022   Capital(e) Lumière 2, Maison Rampant, Laviron, France
2020     Enough is Definitely Enough, Oceans Apart, Salford, U.K.
2019     Enough is Definitely Enough, General Practice, Lincoln, U.K.
2017     Capital(e) Lumière, Maison Victor Hugo, Besançon, France
2016     Midpointness, Airspace Gallery, Stoke-upon-Trent, U.K.
2016     Vidéo Capitale 2016, Champlitte, France
2014     Making of Mordor, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Wolverhampton, U.K.
2014     (detail), H-Space, Bangok, Thailand; Transition Gallery, London, U.K.
2013     Vidéo Capitale 2013, Fresne-Saint-Mamès, France 
2013     The Ends of Art, Beton7 Arts, Athens, Greece
2009    d-Fine Arts, Queenstudio Gallery, Patras, Greece
2006     Contemporary Hellenic Art, Downtown Gallery, Athens, Greece
2005     XXXhibition, The Lighthouse Gallery, Wolverhampton, U.K.
2004     Private Room, Downtown Gallery, Athens, Greece
2003     Collective III, Phase 1 Gallery, The Learning Quarter, Wolverhampton, U.K.
2002     Trash Art, Technopolis, Athens, Greece
1999     Last But Not Least, The Warehouse Project, Wolverhampton, U.K.
1998     Collective I, The Warehouse Project, Wolverhampton, U.K.
1997     Light, Energy, Movement, The Custard Factory, Birmingham, U.K.
1997     Urban Tales, The Canal Club, Wolverhampton, U.K.
1996     Street Life, Aigli Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece

Curated Exhibitions

2022     Robert Clayton: Estate and Estate Return, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
2019     Mahtab Hussain: The Quiet Town of Tipton, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
2018     Dieter Blum. XTC. Dance and Eros, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
2018     Shahidul Alam: A Struggle for Democracy, Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
2013     The Ends of Art, Beton7 Arts, Athens, Greece
2012     Jonathan Meira: Change, The Warehouse Project, Wolverhampton, U.K.
2012     Ricardo de Bruce: Damazon, The Warehouse Project, Wolverhampton, U.K.


2023    A Perfect Sentence, Oliver Frank Chanarin in conversation with Euripides Altintzoglou, FORMAT23, Format International Festival (ISBN 978-1-7393226-0-1), Derby, U.K. 
2018     Portraiture and Critical Reflections on Being, Routledge (ISBN: 9781138580602), New York, U.S.A
2016     Grand Detour, Beton7 Arts, exhibition catalogue essay for Grand Detour show, Athens, Greece
2016     Revolt and Revolution: The Protester in the 21st Century, co-edited with Martin Fredriksson, Inter-Disciplinary Press (ISBN: 978-1-84888-456-4), Oxford, U.K.
2013     The Ends of Art, Beton7 Arts, exhibition catalogue essay for The Ends of Art show, Athens, Greece
2011      Reversible, Beton7 Arts, exhibition catalogue essay for Reversible solo show, Athens, Greece
2007    The Good, the Bad, and the Machine, catalogue essay for the 2nd International Festival of Comics, Athens, Greece
2006     Alternative Satisfaction, catalogue essay for the 1st International Festival of Comics, Athens, Greece

Journal Articles
2019     Digital Realities and Virtual Ideals: Portraiture, Idealism and the Clash of Subjectivities in the Post-Digital Era, Photography and Culture, vol. 12, issue 1 (doi:10.1080/17514517.2019.1565290)
2018     The Critical Invariant: Avant-Garde & Change, Art & the Public Sphere, vol. 7, issue 2, (doi: 10.1386/aps.7.2.145_1)


2012     Deflowered Revolution, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 13, London, U.K.
2011     Divine Surrogacy, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 12, London, U.K.
2011     Coup de Democratie (II): What Needs to Be Done, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 11, London, U.K.
2011     The Grand Detour, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 10, London, U.K.
2011     Blood, Sweat & Fears, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 9, London, U.K.
2011     The Liquidation of Romance, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 8, London, U.K.
2010     License to Serve, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 7, London, U.K.
2010     Thespis’ Early Retirement, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 6, London, U.K.
2010     Coup de Democratie (I), It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 5, London, U.K.
2010     Burnt Taste, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 4, London, U.K.
2009     The Inquisition of Ambition, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 3, London, U.K.
2009     The Dehydration of Electronica, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 2, London, U.K.    
2009     Punk’s Dead, It’s Alive, vol. 1, no. 1, London, U.K.

Edited Publications

2013     Issue 3, Desearch: Postgraduate Journal of Art & Contemporary Culture, U.K.
2012     Issue 2, Desearch: Postgraduate Journal of Art & Contemporary Culture, U.K. 
2011     Issue 1, Desearch: Postgraduate Journal of Art & Contemporary Culture, U.K. 
Other Publications

2012     Obituaries (Series 1), radio shows, broadcasted by Flash Art International Radio, New York, USA & Beton7 Art Radio, Athens, Greece

Conference Presentations & Artist Talks
2022     Dialectics of Post-Truth: Allegorical Incipience and Affective Narratives. 4th MEMORY, AFFECTS AND EMOTIONS International Interdisciplinary Conference, Gdansk, Poland and Online 
2021     Schematic Dialectics: Photography and Forgetting. Memory, Forgetting, and Creating - 4th International interdisciplinary Conference, University of Gdansk, Poland
2019     Emergent Rhetoric: Affect & Allegorical Incipience in Post-Truth Narratives. Affects and Their Vicissitudes in The Postdigital Age, College of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw
2019     BLAST! Festival: 50 Years of Self Portrait, Panel Chair with Jaskirt Boora, Brian Homer, and Niall McDiarmid, Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery, U.K.
2019    Mahtab Hussain: The Quiet Town of Tipton, Panel Chair with Anand Chhabra (Director of Black country Visual Arts) and Emma Chetcuti (Director of Multistory), Wolverhampton School of Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K.
2018     Fictive Thesaurus: Semiotic Multivalence & Transactive Indexes, Images in the Post-Truth Era, Birkbeck College, University of London, U.K.
2017     Towards the Transcended Event: The Role of Light in Photographic Re-Presentation, Imaging Ourselves, 8th International Conference on the Image, Venice International University, San Servolo, Venice, Italy
2017     The Critical Invariant: Avant-Garde & Change, University of Lincoln, U.K. 
2017     Euripides Altintzoglou:  A Critical Review, The Collection, Lincoln, U.K.
2016     The Emperor’s Only Clothes:  Avant-Garde & Perpetual Change, Agency and Crisis: Scenes from Political Philosophy and Contemporary Art, University of Wolverhampton, U.K. 
2016     Digital Realities and Virtual Ideals: Portraiture, Idealism and the Clash of Subjectivities in the Post-Digital Era, Face Value: Personification and Identity in a Post-Digital Age, 7th International Conference on the Image, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool. U.K.
2015     Photography and Its Violations, Panel Chair with John Roberts, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, U.K. 
2014     Deflowered Revolution: An Ethical Examination of Neo-liberal Tactics of Pacification, Revolt & Revolution: 2nd Global Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
2014     Erosion and Illegibility of Images: Blocked Vision and Self-Reflexivity in Contemporary Art, Panel Chair with Idris Khan and Jane and Louise Wilson, New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall, U.K.
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